Due to Health & Safety regulations, we are unable to offer returns or exchange on food items. If your order has been damaged in transit, please notify us within 24 hours of receipt.
Returns for refund or exchange on lifestyle products (non food items) can be arranged within 14 days of receipt. Return shipping will be at your expense unless the item is damaged or incorrect. Refunds/exchanges cannot be processed until the item has arrived back to us in new condition. We cannot refund or exchange any item that has been used, removed from original packaging or is not fit for resale.
Your satisfaction is our highest priority, so if you have any concerns about your order please contact us 0484 577 049 and we will do our very best to help.
Orders can be cancelled with a full refund if they have not yet been processed. If you wish to cancel or amend your order in before this time, please call us on 0484 577 049. Once your order has been processed, we regret we are unable to cancel or amend any details such as inventory or shipping information.